Women of Power and Grace by Timothy Conway
This is one of the best books written on the lives and teaching of women mystics and saints of the 20th century. The nine saints illuminated here represent the essence of all the major traditions. For instance, for years we have been searching for the best resource for Ammachi's teachings (Amma is a living saint who teaches and tours the world amma.org). We believe that what Timothy Conway did in thirty or so pages is the best written and compiled so far. The same can be said for the teachings of Anandamayi Ma, a contemporary of Paramahansa Yogananda and spiritual "friend" to the great saint, and Anasuya Devi, a true, true mystic and phenomenal teacher. This is another must-read book. The teachings of these great saints awaken the soul and sweetness the heart.
"The primary spiritual practice is to turn inward by quietly thinking a Name of God." -- Anandamayi Ma.
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Women of Power and Grace by Timothy Conway